Diocesan Priests Serving in Latin America since 1958
24 Clark Street Boston MA 02109

Joining Us>
Preliminary steps & Forms
Partners In Discernment:
A priest comes to know of the Society and its work in many ways. Some learn through a former member that has returned to the home diocese. Others have read of the Society’s ministry in the monthly newsletter or religious publications. Once interest is sparked, a priest might feel the need to travel to South America at one’s own expense. The Society is prepared to provide you with hospitality when you arrive within the country. Sometimes priests also visit mission parishes or assist at a particular parish for a short period of time. But regardless of the way that the journey toward South America begins, both the interested priest and Society recognize that the movement toward mission ministry is a call from God, which must be discerned together.
First Step: Body-Spirit Readiness for the Adventure of Mission Life.
1. Letter from the Ordinary containing:
- Permission for a release of five years to the Society.
- Recommendation of the priest/candidate mentioning any special areas that might benefit from special support.
2. Submit to the Society the names of three priests who have lived and worked with, or have known the candidate. The Society will contact them directly for recommendation.
3. An evidenced Medical checkup that would not only include routine tests but consideration of aptitude, tropical climates and conditions of extreme urban poverty. The Doctor forwards the report for the attention of the Medical Advisor. (See History & Physical Examination form)
4. Psychological report. The Society’s experience in preparing men for the mission has shown that the priests have been most helped in their personal discernment process by the following instruments: a) Rorschach; b) MMPI; c) 16PF. In addition to these, the consulting psychologist preparing this report may indicate any other instrument deemed beneficial to the discernment process for major life change. After reviewing the results of these assessments with the candidate, the psychologist forwards the report to the Society’s Psychological Advisor.
Second Step: Pastoral Planning for Missionary Journey
1. A “missioning ceremony” in the sending diocese is recommended. Usually this will take place in the parish from which the priest is leaving or possibly in the cathedral of the home diocese.
2. Contact with former members of the Society living in the area of the home diocese is encouraged.
3. The new missionary is enrolled in a three to five month language and cultural orientation in Lima, Peru.
4. The process of obtaining the appropriate residence visa also begins once in Peru. The Coordinator of Peru will assist the new member with this process.
5. Orientation and pastoral assignment within the country is done by the Coordinator of Peru in consultation with the new member.
If there are any questions or need for clarification, please feel free to contact Fr. David Costello at director2012@socstjames.com.

Fr. Dan and Fr. Francis pictured with Bishop Pedro Bustamante and Cardinal Sean O'Malley after receiving their Mission Crosses in Lima, Peru.
Application Forms: