Diocesan Priests Serving in Latin America since 1958
24 Clark Street Boston MA 02109

Each year the Society holds fundraisers which go to support the missions directly. Previously the Society has hosted annual award celebrations, both in Boston and Chicago.
Annual Golf Tournament
The Society also benefits from an annual golf tournament which occurs every year in the Fall. The golf tournament is run by Rev. Peter Quinn of St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish, Westford, MA.
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Time: 10:15 AM Shotgun start
Location: Windham Country Club, Windham, NH
Please RSVP by contacting St. Catherine of Alexandria Parish at (978) 692-6353

Award recipient Joe D'Arrigo pictured with President of the Society Cardinal Seán O'Malley, and former Banquet Chairman Dr. Martin J. Dunn at the Cardinal Cushing Award ceremony which was held in October 2016.

From Left: Kathleen Driscoll, Thomas Martin and Patricia Brett, the 2008 recipients of the Cardinal Cushing Award.